Our reading curriculum enables children to:
Become fluent and confident readers with good comprehension skills
Learn about and from a range of texts including poetry and non-fiction
Develop a love of reading for pleasure and encourage them to become life-long readers
So that they:
develop a strong sense of belonging with a good understanding of the wider world.
are inspired to raise their ambition.
grow resilience as determined and independent individuals.
show kindness, respect and tolerance.
​​Intent: Through our reading curriculum children, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND, will make progress in their reading fluency (through Active Learn phonics teaching and reading practice) and comprehension (through reading practice and whole class reading), leaving our school with the ability to read and understand a range of texts. They will be inspired to pick up both familiar and unfamiliar books and will gain knowledge of a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry from our knowledgeable staff and high reading-profile culture. We will instill the notion that reading is a fundamental skill which will allow them to develop as learners in general, as well as sparking their imaginations and encouraging them to read as a pleasant and engaging pastime.
We intend to foster a positive reading culture by:
creating an environment where reading is promoted across all classes.
ensuring pupils make progress in their reading skills including decoding, accuracy,
teaching specific skills needed for fluency, understanding, skimming and scanning and responding to texts.
ensuring we have a rigorous approach to phonics teaching so no child is left behind.
ensuring children are aware of their own progress and development as a reader
ensuring children are able to read/ use a variety of different texts e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry and understand their purpose
exposing children to good quality reading spine of texts which expand their vocabulary as well as their imagination
encouraging children to enjoy reading, to want to read for pleasure on a regular basis and to discuss their reading habit and preferences.
encouraging reading outside the classroom through forging strong links with home.
teaching children to apply the skills they learn in reading across the curriculum.
implementing an assessment system which enables us to identify strengths and provide swift intervention where needed.
Through our reading curriculum children will:
-be taught to read through a systematic synthetic phonics programme (Active Learn)
-have opportunity to apply their taught sounds and words through reading practice
-ensure staff quickly identify gaps in sounds and tricky words and use 3 consistent identified interventions to address these
-ensure resources for reading at home are pitched to the correct level for a child’s phonological level
-teach reading prosody, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension through a whole class read approach for those children who have completed their phonics learning
-be taught to progress from EYFS through to the end of Y6, preparing them for the next phase of their education at each step
- promote reading for pleasure through positive reading experiences, conversations and recommendations
The impact of our reading curriculum is demonstrated in the following ways:
-what children say (Daily performance from pupil - listening to children read on a 1:1 or group basis, responses in reading practice, whole class reading and interventions and pupil voice around engagement with reading for pleasure.
-what children do (performance on summative assessments such as SATs, phonics screening, EYFS profiles, phonics tracker evidence)