Early Years Foundation Stage
We aim to make the transition from pre-school into main school as smooth as possible and to gradually introduce the children to their new school routines. The children are introduced to the full school day, assemblies and lunchtimes and we offer ongoing support to ensure they become more familiar with school routines and procedures.
All parents want their child to make the best possible start at school. In the induction pack we provide a number of suggested activities for you to share with your child, all of which will help to prepare them for various aspects of school life and work.
Our curriculum in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is planned with the children's interests at the heart and we endeavour to introduce new and exciting learning at every possible opportunity.
If you would like more information about your child's learning through the year in Foundation Stage Two, please see class the teacher Mrs Lidster.
Children in Reception (F2 - Chestnut Class) follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This curriculum involves young children experimenting, investigating, and making sense of the world around them through play.
The EYFS curriculum has 7 aspects. The first three are the Prime Areas as skills in these aspects underpin all other learning:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-care, Self-regulation, Building Relationships)
Communication and Language (Listening, Attention and Understanding; Speaking)
Physical Development (Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills)
Literacy (Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing)
Mathematics (Numbers, Numerical Patterns)
Understanding the World (People, Culture and Communities, The Natural World, Past and Present)
Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with Materials; Being Imaginative and Expressive).
Our provision is organised so that each child has a clear sense of belonging, independence and enthusiasm for learning. As a team we focus on the characteristics of effective learning, valuing the importance of playing, exploring, learning actively, creating and thinking critically. This ensures children have opportunities to problem solve, take risks and make informed decisions, giving them the confidence in their ability to succeed.
Our children learn through their engagement with a balanced range of opportunities made up of focused teacher input, structured adult-directed activities and child-initiated opportunities. Our weekly F2 timetable is structured around whole class teacher input, follow up group teaching, practice of skills through structured activities and independent application in freeflow. There are extensive opportunities in both teaching and provision for children to develop their academic learning as well as developing and extending skills in PSED and Communication and Language, which underpins all. The provision within the setting delivers challenging experiences which supports effective child development and the EYFS curriculum is accessible both indoors and outdoors.
Our structured planning and focused resourcing provide all children with the opportunities to explore new challenges, practice and consolidate skills, as well as develop a framework for learning that will accommodate their transition into KS1 and beyond. The foundations of this are provided by our supportive and responsive environment, both inside and outdoors stimulating the children both physically and mentally and therefore developing their health and well-being.
Our curriculum themes provide our children with purposeful experiences and opportunities. We support our children in developing the crucial skills needed in order to learn to listen, speak and communicate both with adults and children. We instil high expectations of behaviour and through modelling and teaching our children the skills of working together and being kind. Personal, social and emotional develop and communication and language are areas which are prioritised within our EYFS. Our children will all experience a warm and supportive, caring environment. This in turn supports them to begin to link learning to their play and exploration through our holistic provision and structured teaching.
The Foundation Stage Profile is the nationally employed assessment tool that enables teachers to record their observations at the end of the Foundation Stage, and to summarise their pupils’ progress towards the Early Learning Goals. It covers each of the seven areas of learning contained in the curriculum guidance for the Foundation Stage.
Click here for more information about the EYFS Statutory Framework.