Harthill Curriculum Overview
What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here on our website.
At Harthill Primary School our curriculum centres round ‘Development Matters’ in the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum in Key Stages 1 and 2.
Our curriculum has been designed to meet the requirements of the children who attend our school and is driven by our school values of Belonging, Ambition, Resilience and Kindness. Knowledge and skills have been selected carefully with the needs, interests and opportunities of our children in mind. More information about how this relates to every curriculum subject can be found on our One Page Profiles on each subject's page.
​Our curriculum enables children to:
Understand concepts, themes and genres
Acquire and apply knowledge and skill
Develop vocabulary
So that they:
develop a strong sense of belonging with a good understanding of the wider world.
be inspired to raise their ambition.
grow resilience as determined and independent individuals.
show kindness, respect and tolerance.
Children access, acquire, attempt and apply substantive (factual) and disciplinary (skill-based) knowledge whilst building on their vocabulary in each specific subject.
Phonics for reading and writing are taught using Active Learn - we have fidelity to this scheme in EYFS, KS1 and for pupils in KS2 who require continued phonics intervention. Reading Practice is used in EYFS and KS1 to allow pupils regular opportunity to practice the application of phonics with phase matched books and in KS2 a Whole Class Read model supports the teaching of fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. We have an embedded ethos that reading is fundamental and pride ourselves on our Reading for Pleasure agenda. Writing is taught from the National Curriculum; pupils are taught to plan, draft, edit and publish in a range of genres, developing knowledge of SPAG application for effect, spelling and vocabulary. Writing for Pleasure has been introduced from 2023 to further engage and inspire pupils to become motivated and enthusiastic writers.
We use White Rose Maths to deliver out maths curriculum, including for assessment, supplementing this with materials from NCETM for those pupils working at Greater Depth.
Science and Foundation Subjects
Our classes are organised into mixed age groups due to the number of pupils in each individual year group. Therefore, our science and foundation subjects are organised into tiers which ensure:
learning builds from stage to stage, starting with EYFS
key knowledge is taught sequentially
expectations for how learning is applied are clear
learning links explicitly to previously taught content
learning is not repeated other than where assessment deems it necessary or through planned retrieval
continuous formative assessment allows teachers to identify and address gaps
all pupils are taught the knowledge from each tier at least once
the curriculum is accessible to all pupils, including those with SEND.
In Science, Art & design, Design & technology, PE, Geography and History progression maps detail the knowledge which children will be taught, organised under key themes, concepts and genres which believe our pupils need in order to progress and be "next phase ready" at each point of their education. The learning has been organised sequentially so that knowledge grows and regular opportunity for retrieval and assessment ensures that this is embedded. Skills maps outline the Programme of Study for the subjects and drive the development of disciplinary (skills based) knowledge.
Religious Education follows the Rotherham agreed Syllabus, PSHE follows Jigsaw, Music follows Charanga, MFL follows Twinkl and Computing follows Teach Computing. Each of these schemes has been adapted to meet the requirements of our mixed age classes and to ensure it has been precisely matched to the needs of our cohorts, in line with our curriculum vision.
All curriculum documents can be found as links below or within the following sections.​