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Our school assemblies are usually  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and are led by all teaching staff. 


In these assemblies, we share, discuss and reflect on topical issues, recent news and our school ethos and values, including British Values. We give thought and consideration to how the 'big issues' impact on our lives and how we can contribute to society as responsible citizens. 


In assembly we also enhance our cultural offer - we share and celebrate artists, authors, poets, dancers, musicians, sports people and key figures both past and present, from all different backgrounds and cultures. 


Every Friday, we celebrate all our achievements from the previous week, with all classes sharing a Star of the Week, a Reader of Week and TTR/Numbots certificates. We celebrate all attendance over 96% and our Staff Stars of the Week, as chosen by children. Every term we hold our Pupil of the Term assembly, to celebrate those pupils who have consistently shown our school values across the whole term. 


Sometimes we have visitors to lead on assemblies to share community or local events - this includes visits from the local library or Harthill Garden + Flower Society. We also have visits from our local Reverend and Open the Book, where we learn about the key messages from Christianity and the Bible. 


We regularly hold Spotlight Assemblies. These are in the form of: 

- Half termly assemblies to celebrate the extra-curricular activities and achievements that our children engage with out of school. 

-Termly Children's University assemblies to award certificates. 

-Pupil Led assemblies which focus on a matter that means a lot to them. This could be raising awareness about a disability, sharing a cultural or religious experience or anything that they are passionate about sharing. 









Autumn Term Assembly Plan 

Spring Term Assembly Plan 

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