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Please find below information about how to apply for places at Harthill Primary School, Rotherham. 

For those parents whose children start school in September 2025,  please ring school to make an appointment and we will be more than happy to show you and your family around and answer any questions which you may have. 


H​arthill Primary School is a school that follows the policies of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) Children and Young People’s Services. All admissions to school from Foundation 2  are governed by the admissions policy of the local authority.  It is the responsibility of parents/carers to apply for a school place and if your application is late, you are less likely to be granted a place at one of your preferred schools. 

You can  apply via the RMBC website.

Please note that Harthill Primary School, as with all other controlled schools, does not have the authority to grant a place at the school directly.

Admission Limits 2024/25
The admission number for F2 and Y3-Y6 is 30 and all children will be admitted during the Autumn Term prior to their 5th birthday (compulsory school age). Where parents wish to defer entry or request that the child attends part‐time, the request will be considered where it appears to be in the best interest of the child.


Please note that for the academic year 2024-25 the Current Admission Number is 15 for Y1 and Y2. 

If your child is already in school and you wish for them to transfer to us within a year or a keystage, you will still need to apply through RMBC. Feel free to give us a ring for more information! 

Visit our school

Throughout the year we hold open days but we can also arrange tours of the school which give prospective parents/carers and children a valuable insight into our school, how we work and its facilities. To find out more information or to make an appointment then please call the school office on 01909 770291. ​

Admission Agreement


Admission Agreement


Admission Agreement 2024-2025

Admissions Appeals

Admissions Information

Admission agreement consultation changes

Admission agreement 25-26

Changes made to the Admission agreement include

  • ​Removing information that parents do not need to consider making the agreement more user friendly

  • Adding within the Admission criteria provision during application for twins, triplets or siblings born in the same academic year to be treated as equals

  • PAN (Published Admission Numbers) numbers highlighted under appendix 1 to cover all schools within the trust. 

The agreement will go back to consultation if and when any changes are made otherwise this is automatically reviewed every 7 years. 

  • Next consultation review date: September 2030

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